WORLDSymposium Abstract Submission: Rules and Policies

The deadline for submitting an abstract to WORLDSymposium is October 1, 2024, 17:00 CDT.

Prior to the submission of the scientific abstract, ALL individuals listed as an author or co-author will be required to have submitted THEIR OWN disclosures.

NOTE: Authors who submit abstracts are not automatically registered for the meeting. In order to participate in the meeting and make their presentations, authors must register for the meeting and cover the costs of hotel and travel (if travel costs are applicable).

  1. Abstracts must be submitted with the intention that they will be presented if selected. First authors are expected to present LIVE at the meeting. Authors should not submit abstracts if they do not plan to present. Authors who cannot present as scheduled must notify WORLDSymposium immediately; authors who fail to do so may not be invited to present at future meetings. Substitution of the presenting/first author in platform and plenary presentations requires prior written approval from the WORLDSymposium Program Committee Chair. Substitution is not allowed without prior written approval.
  2. An individual may be first/presenting author of only one abstract. If an abstract includes co-authors, the presenting author’s name should be the first name to appear in the author listing.
  3. There is no limit to the number of times an individual may appear as co-author on abstracts. The first author must inform and have agreement from all co-authors of the abstract submission. The first author will be required to confirm this information when submitting the abstract. The first author is also responsible for notifying all authors of any and all correspondence relating to this abstract submission.
  4. Attention to All Platform Speakers: It is the policy of WORLDSymposium to publish all abstracts with the list of authors exactly as the abstract was submitted to WORLDSymposium. The first author of the submitted abstract will be listed as the Platform Speaker (presenting author) on the Preliminary Program, Agenda, and Poster List.
  5. All requests for changes to the Platform Speaker (presenting author) will be reviewed by the WORLDSymposium Planning Committee prior to approval. No changes will be made to the Preliminary Program posted online; any changes to the Platform Speaker will be announced by the Session Co-Chair during the virtual meeting, only at the time of the platform presentation. The Preliminary Program will remain published with the original first author, and all communication will continue to go to the first author of the abstract.
  6. The submitting first author will continue to  receive all instructions from the automated abstract notification system. Please be sure that the first author is aware they will need to forward any  email instructions for PowerPoint preparation, and for advance review of presentations. Meeting the presentation guidelines and submitting presentations for prior review must be done to meet ACCME accreditation requirements.
  7. Platform Speaker and Poster Presenter instructions will be sent to first authors on or around November 15, 2023. Information will also be posted on the website as soon as it is available.
  8. A complete abstract should include a statement of purpose, methods used, and a summary of results in sufficient detail to support the conclusion. Statements such as “results will be described” should be avoided.
  9. Prior Publication: WORLDSymposium will consider encore abstracts at the discretion of the Program Committee.
  10. Review of Abstracts: All abstracts are reviewed by at least one Program Committee member and three ad hoc reviewers. The reviewing process is strictly confidential. The Program Committee reviews all abstracts submitted for presentation and determines whether an abstract is suitable for presentation. The Program Committee reserves the right to decline a presentation to any submitted abstracts that lack scientific content or merit, or that merely announce the availability of a resource or service.
  11. Abstract Programming: Please choose only one category which is the most applicable to the content being submitted. The WORLDSymposium Program Committee reserves the right to consider submitted abstracts for all categories, and assign abstracts to a platform presentation on any of the program days, based on review of the topic and content.
  12. Industry Speakers: All first authors who are employed by industry (a commercial interest organization) will be considered for the non-CME Contemporary Forum day only, regardless of which category the abstract is submitted under.