21st Annual WORLDSymposium 2025 Media Policies

Journalists who are employed by accredited news organizations attending the meeting for the purpose of editorial coverage will be granted media credentials and receive complimentary annual meeting registration. WORLDSymposium does not have a designated media room/press room.

Required Material for Receiving Official Approval


  • A letter verifying assignment to the meeting on the letterhead of the news organization being represented
  • Media identification (such as an international accredited press pass), or a business card issued by a recognized news organization.

Freelance Journalists

  • Copies of three bylined lysosomal-disease-related articles
  • An official letter of assignment from an accredited news organization.
  • Those who freelance but do not have three bylined articles are not eligible for registration.

Newsletter Media

  • Three issues of their newsletter containing at least one bylined article (If a representative was registered as media at a previous annual meeting, one of the issues submitted must illustrate the resulting editorial coverage.)

Online Media Representatives, Medical Publishing Companies, Healthcare Society/Associations, University Publications

  • Appropriate media credentials (i.e., a letter of assignment and/or a business card from a recognized news organization) and meet the following criteria:
    1. Original, editorial news coverage
    2. Editorial freedom from advertisers and/or sponsors
    3. Multiple advertisers that are clearly identified

PLEASE NOTE: Companies or organizations producing publications, videos, and/or other electronic media intended for marketing, advertising, financial analysis, or public relations purposes may not register as media. Financial analysts and public relations personnel may not register as media. Information regarding media registrants is proprietary.

WORLDSymposium does not give, rent, or sell current, past, or on-site media registration lists.

Embargo Policy

All individuals, institutions, agencies and organizations are required to abide by the embargo policies governing WORLDSymposium. The embargo policy states that coverage of abstracts being presented at the annual meeting is strictly prohibited until the start time of the presentation or the beginning of the media briefing containing the research, whichever comes first.

The WORLDSymposium Embargo Policy applies to all 2025 platform AND poster presenters. The 2025 posters and ePosters will be available beginning on Tuesday, February 4, 2025, at 05:00 PST. The embargo lifts for all oral and poster presentations at 05:00 PST when posters and ePosters are released to the audience.

The standard is that any company can announce at any time the following:

  1. Announcement that trial/research is completed.
  2. Announce that results will be presented on a specific date at WORLDSymposium.
  3. Publicize what did the trial/research assess – basic design, questions, study population, interventions, etc.

WORLDSymposium does not publish the full-text of the abstracts online; the full-text is available only from Elsevier for accepted abstracts submitted to WORLDSymposium prior to October 1, 2024, to be published in the February 2025 “Lysosomes Issue” of Molecular Genetics and Metabolism (MGM). WORLDSymposium has no control over the Elsevier publication release dates.

Registered attendees will receive an electronic copy of the program and full-text abstracts beginning on Monday, February 3, 2025.  The program and abstracts become copyrighted and are only available to non-registrants through Elsevier.

Content that may be pre-published online in advance of print publication is still subject to the WORLDSymposium embargo policy.

Abstracts not scheduled for presentation at the annual meeting have an embargo date of the official release of the abstracts to the public, and press releases on these abstracts must contain the following notification: “This abstract was not selected for presentation at an oral or poster session; it was printed in the WORLDSymposium Program and Abstracts Book.”

Correct Use of WORLDSymposium

Please be aware that proper use of the trademarked WORLDSymposium™ name is required in all press releases.

WORLD is an acronym for We’re Organizing Research on Lysosomal Diseases.

WORLD is always ALL CAPS, with Symposium always in italics. WORLDSymposium is always one word. In other words, WORLDSymposium should never be used as two words (World Symposium) and never only one word (WORLD).

The brand name is trademarked and should be used appropriately.

Guidelines for Referencing WORLDSymposium

Use of WORLDSymposium Name, Insignia or Logo:
WORLDSymposium allows limited use of the WORLDSymposium name and logo for social media posts, and other limited communications, as defined in the Exhibitor and Satellite Marketing Kit. The WORLDSymposium name, insignia, logo or other identifying marks may not be used in press releases, signs, advertising or promotions in any media, on descriptive product literature either inside or outside the exhibit area, or in connection with any other type of marketing, without prior express written permission from WORLDSymposium.

The WORLDSymposium name may not be included in any advertising, documents, or publications, supported or sponsored by another organization or group. Furthermore, the fact that a Company or its goods or services are or were exhibited at WORLDSymposium does not give permission to use the name in any advertisements or promotional activities by the Company, except as defined in the Exhibitor and Satellite Marketing Kit. No endorsement by WORLDSymposium of the Company or its goods or services, expressed or implied, is permitted or intended.

On-site Guidelines

Registered media are required to wear media badges at all times while on site at the annual meeting.

All scientific sessions, and oral and poster abstract sessions at the annual meeting are open to the media. Entry into sessions requires a badge.

Audio Recording, Video Recording, and Photography
Journalists and members of the media may not share or republish slides, unpublished data, or presentation materials from scientific presentations without explicit written permission from the presenter. Media members, along with all attendees, are expected and required to abide by any recording or photography requests made by a presenter in a scientific session. Photography and recording for personal and note-taking purposes is allowed.

Registered media (with badges) are permitted to photograph or audiotape ONLY during the poster sessions if they have obtained written permission from the poster presenter beforehand. No other photography, or audio or video recording is allowed. Members of the media who record poster information for which they have not obtained permission will be asked to leave the conference immediately.

Video recording must be pre-approved by both the presenter and WORLDSymposium. If approved, it cannot interfere with the onsite audiovisual recording or audience participation in any way. WORLDSymposium reserves the right to refuse any recording requests that are deemed to be intrusive or disruptive to the live meeting in any manner.

Print the media policy here.