Mark E. Haskins, VMD, PHD Received the 2018 Roscoe O. Brady Award for Innovation and Accomplishment

Dr. Haskins has a career that spans over 40 years, from his beginning as a NIH Medical Genetics Trainee in 1975 working on MPS VI, through his appointment as Professor Emeritus in 2014. His career in lysosomal disease research has been focused on the MPS diseases. His research has been conducted at the University of Pennsylvania, which he has helped to make a preeminent center of large animal model work in the area of lysosomal diseases. He is known as one of the most collaborative, innovative, and successful researchers in the field. His research in large animal models ran a parallel course to the important developments in the basic cell and molecular biology of lysosomal diseases from the 1970s to the 1990s. When the foundations in biochemistry and molecular genetics in lysosomal disease made the prospects of therapy possible beginning in the 1990s, Dr. Haskins’ leadership in the preservation, development, and elucidation of dozens of large animal models, meant that models were ready to be used to help advance treatment development for patients. He has collaborated in a meaningful way with numerous ground-breaking researchers in the field both nationally and internationally. Over several decades he has participated in and helped lead critical work on pathogenesis and therapies including bone marrow transplantation, enzyme replacement therapy, novel medical therapy and gene therapy. He has been an active mentor of all levels of students including undergraduates, graduates, residents, post-docs and junior faculty. Dr. Haskins has also served in important capacities in multiple advocacy and research funding organizations, including the National MPS Society and the National Tay-Sachs and Allied Disease foundations.
Dr. Haskins received the 2018 Roscoe O. Brady Award for Innovation and Accomplishment at the opening session of WORLDSymposium 2018 on Tuesday, February 6, 2018 at 7:45 AM.