2022 Poster Sessions
In 2022, over 400 scientific abstracts were presented at four separate poster sessions.
Click here to download the 2022 poster listing.
Any poster numbers not listed was not be presented as the author was unable to attend the conference.
All abstracts received by the October 1, 2021 deadline were considered for platform presentation and inclusion in the special lysosomes issue of Molecular Genetics and Metabolism (MGM) which was published in February 2022. Due to publication deadlines, late-breaking abstracts are published in the virtual program materials, and are not published in Molecular Genetics and Metabolism (MGM).
Registered attendees have access to an electronic copy of the program and abstracts via the WORLDSymposium 2022 virtual platform and mobile app. Registered attendees must login to the virtual platform using the confirmation code they receive with their invitation to the virtual platform. The program and abstracts are copyrighted and will be available to non-registrants through Elsevier.
It is the policy of WORLDSymposium to publish all abstracts with the list of authors exactly as the abstract was submitted to WORLDSymposium. The first author of the submitted abstract will be listed as the presenting author on the Preliminary Program, Agenda, and Poster List.
2022: Posters were divided into four (4) Separate Sessions
Authors who accepted a poster or ePoster presentation were assigned to present their abstract during a live in-person session or virtually during one of four sessions, based on the final abstract category for each abstract. All posters were available to all attendees beginning at 3:00 PM PST on Monday, February 7, 2022, on the WORLDSymposium virtual platform and remained open throughout WORLDSymposium 2022. Live Q&A only occured during the assigned times as listed below.
Please note: “in-person” indicates the presenter was available for questions at the live, in-person poster session during WORLDSymposium 2022 and “virtual” indicates the presenter was available on the WORLDSymposium virtual site to answer questions via text-based chat.
All “in-person” posters were in the Exhibit Hall in the Seaport Ballroom and “virtual” ePosters were on the virtual platform:
- Basic Science Abstracts will be presented on Monday, February 7 from 3:00-5:00 PM PST
- Translational Research Abstracts will be presented on Tuesday, February 8 from 3:00-5:00 PM PST
- Clinical Trials Abstracts will be presented on Wednesday, February 9 from 3:00-5:00 PM PST
- Contemporary Forum Abstracts will be presented on Thursday, February 10 from 3:00-5:00 PM PST